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Claire Baynham

I have been Chair of Governors at Bengeo since May 2023, having been appointed as a parent governor in August 2021. I have three children at Bengeo and it has been a pleasure to watch them thrive and develop their curiosity for the world as they have progressed through the school. In my working life, I am a solicitor at the University of Hertfordshire, advising the University on a wide range of legal issues.

 I am passionate about ensuring that all the children at Bengeo receive an excellent and broad-based education and I am excited to be able to lead the Governing Board to work with the school in order to achieve that.

Daphne Hynds 

Having lived in Bengeo for the majority of my life I know the community well. I was educated locally and the greater part of my career was in banking. I qualified as an Associate of Institute of Bankers and later was made a Fellow. For many years I ran the local Brownie Unit where I still help. – also catered for many Scout & Guide camps in this country and on the continent. I am a mentor for new Adult Leaders and Young Leaders. Other hobbies include handbell ringing, gardening and I am a member of National Trust, English Heritage and Historic Houses together with a number of wildlife and nature trusts.

Curtis Fevrier


Andrew Taylor - Resources Chair


Dipesh Shah

I have been a governor for almost six years. I have two children currently at the school, in Year 2 and Year 5. I am a Senior Civil Servant, specialising in finance and public policy, and use my skills and experience to support the school in running on a sound financial footing. I enjoy being a governor as it allows me to witness first-hand the incredible work that everyone at Bengeo does to make the school a safe and inclusive environment where all children can flourish and reach their potential. 
Tanya Needham

My name is Tanya Needham, I have been a Co-opted Governor for 5 years.  I have lived in Hertford for over 34 years. I live with my husband, two children (who are in their 20s) and a Miniature Schnauzer dog.  I enjoy being involved with community projects which originally lead me to become a Governor at the school.  I like reading, baking, travelling, cycling, walking my dog and tracing my family history. I am passionate about being involved with projects that protect the landscape in Bengeo. I feel that it is very important to preserve green spaces for the enjoyment of everyone and for future generations.

Juliet Whitehead - Vice Chair

I have been a Co-opted Governor at Bengeo since 2028.  Both my children attend/have attended the school and I wanted to be more actively involved in the decisions made for the school.  I have enjoyed combining my professional expertise and experience with serving on the Governing Body. 

I have worked for many years for Hertfordshire County Council in education so know what the key issues are locally for Hertfordshire’s children and families. I work in the Education Leadership Team.  My key responsibility is managing the Herts County Council School Improvement Contract with HertsforLearning.  This involves a range of functions in support of maintained schools including governance, finance, Early Years, SEND and Human Resources.  In addition, I also have 5 years’ experience as a primary teacher working in a Hertfordshire school with years 1 & 2 and 5 & 6.  

Janet Ranford

I was born and brought up in Chester and came down to London to attend Teacher training college. I have lived and worked in and around Hertford ever since.

My links with Bengeo School go back a long way, my own three children attended as pupils and I taught at the school from 1990 until my retirement in 2015. I was delighted to be asked to return to Bengeo as a governor the following year.

I enjoy being outdoors, walking in the countryside with my husband and our dog or spending time in the garden. I live in a busy village and take part in and support many local events, I also love meeting with friends and family, especially our six grandchildren. Since retiring, I have joined Pilates classes and Tai Chi classes and in the Summer months I play bowls; I would like to learn to play golf.

Barbara Walwyn

I live in Bengeo and have taught Maths at Secondary Schools in East Herts. Since I retired I have enjoyed volunteering at Bengeo School, teaching small groups of Year 6 pupils. My hobbies include gardening, walking, travel and Bridge. 

Claire Hobbs

 I am an experienced governor and this is my 5th Year as a governor at Bengeo. I have recently trained as a bookkeeper and I work for our family run business, managing finance and accounts. Prior to this, I was a primary school teacher for 24 years, 9 of which as a Deputy Headteacher. I trained as a maths specialist and have led on assessment and data analysis. I believe that my experiences in education and finance are helpful in supporting the development of the school. I have a daughter going into Year 6.

Torran Macdougall


 I am a father of three children at Bengeo Primary School. I work for a charity called School of Hard Knocks which is a sport for development Charty, my role is to oversee our schools programme which uses Rugby Union to help support secondary school students with their mental and physical health. I am also a keen rugby player/coach and enjoy how team sports can help develop and support people. My children love going to Bengeo school and I think it is important to ensure the school is a happy and safe space for the students. 

Sarah Potts

I completed a BA degree in film, journalism and English at the University of Ulster and then, after a few years working, travelling and starting a family, achieved a PGCE at the Institute of Education in London. I taught for many years in a large primary school in Tower Hamlets serving the predominantly Bangladeshi community. I became SEND lead early on, a role I continued to develop when I moved my career to Enfield before becoming deputy head a few years later. I became deputy head of Bengeo Primary in  ? and have now been here nearly 20 years. During my time at Bengeo, I completed a masters degree in primary education at the University of Cambridge. In over 30 years of teaching, I have taught all year groups from Nursery to Year 6 as well as leading Early Years, KS2, English, maths, science, teaching and learning, assessment, curriculum, PPG and pupil leadership. My favourite activity at Bengeo is talking with the children.